The next Parish Council meeting takes place on Tuesday 22nd June 2021 starting at 7:00pm. The meeting will take place in the main area of the Village Hall. Parishioners are welcome to attend but strict rules must be followed. All attendees must wear a face covering/mask and adhere to social distancing.

Names and contact details of those attending must be provided.

If you wish to receive a meeting agenda prior to the meeting please email the Clerk on [email protected]

Councillor VACANCIES

There are two vacancies on Weston Under Wetherley Parish Council

and the positions will be filled by co-option

at the meeting of the Council to be held on

Tuesday 22nd June 2021

Should more applications be received for the vacancies, councillors will decide the appointment by a vote, or series of votes, in order to obtain a majority decision.

To be considered for co-option, applicants must meet at least one of the following criteria:

1.           Be registered as a Local Government Elector for the Parish on the current Electoral Register.

2.           Has during the whole of the previous 12 months occupied as tenant or owner any land or other premises in the Parish.

3.           Has had his/her principal or only place of work in the previous 12 months in the Parish of Weston Under Wetherley.

4.           Has resided either in the Parish or within 3 miles thereof during the previous 12 months.

Anyone wishing to be considered for co-option should contact the Clerk for an application form, closing date for return of application form Friday 18th June 2021.

[email protected]

Jane Chatterton

Clerk & RFO

Weston Under Wetherley Parish Council