Welcome to Weston Under Wetherley Village and Parish Council.
The Weston Under Wetherley Village and Parish Council website represents the local community, delivering services to meet local needs, and improving quality of life and community well being. The village of Weston Under Wetherley runs for about a mile along the B4453 Rugby Road between the villages of Cubbington and Princethorpe.

*** South Warwickshire Local Plan Consultation Response ***
Weston Under Wetherley Parish Council provides the following resources to help Villagers in their opposition to the SWLP by provide a letter template which can be used to customise an individual villager’s own response. Click here for more information.

A little History
Building on its agricultural heritage, Weston was chosen in 1856 as the site for the Warwickshire Reformatory School for boys – the history of which was recounted in 1964 by a one time resident of the village, Derek Smith (now deceased). He wrote in his degree dissertation of the actions of Lord Leigh, and notably Lord Palmerston, in Parliament in the 1850’s to bring about changes in the treatment of young offenders. Their ‘Young Offenders Act’ of 1854 aimed to replace deterrence and retribution (largely through prison sentences) with reformation and restoration to a useful place in society.

South Warwickshire Local Plan Response

Please see the response from the parish council to the Local Plan regarding the South Warwickshire Local Plan

See out About Weston page for more historical information.